Diamond P Cattle Company
Kentucky Red Angus Bred with BalancePhenotype + Performance = BALANCE
…which puts more dollars in your pocket!
We focus on structural and phenotypical correctness for sound cattle that grow and perform in our herd and any other they may end up in throughout their lives. And our Kentucky Proud Red Angus freezer beef further reflects that success.
As proud Kentucky Cattle Breeders, we understand the importance of balanced genetics, combining strong performance traits with a touch of show-ring appeal. Our breeding decisions are not solely made by looking at a list of EPDs or a show record. Rather, we look critically at all resources in our toolbox – and the individual animals in our herd – to make mating decisions that will build a calf crop both we and our buyers can be proud of whether they are commercially-destined feeders or a Junior’s prized project.
This selection process ensures you receive herd bulls and replacement females that not only contribute to your herd's production success but also gives you satisfaction that you will have an end product you are happy with.
As a true cattle family, we believe in building strong relationships with our buyers. Whether you're a seasoned cattle rancher or looking for that special first Junior project calf, we're here to support you. We offer bulls, and replacement females for sale throughout the year, and if you don’t see quite what you’re looking for just ask and we will put you on our list.
“At Diamond P Cattle Company we believe in “Balance”. Our cattle have to be structurally sound, phenotypically correct, fertile and grow! We do not believe in single trait selection, breeding decisions based on epd’s only, or using ribbons and banners as the sole standard to define excellence. Diamond P cattle have to be sound, appealing to the eye, grow & reproduce. All of these elements are vital for seedstock production as well as producing groups of desirable feeder cattle for our commercial customers.”
Kentucky Proud Red Angus Farm Fresh Beef
It is our privilege to offer Farm Raised Red Angus Beef from cattle that are born here, raised here and finished here on our farm in Webster County Kentucky.
All of our beef is processed at a local USDA Federally inspected facility and dry aged for maximum tenderness and flavor! We offer a variety of options throughout the year, so contact us any time with your questions and orders.